This policy shall be read and understood by all hirers seeking to use Sonlife Church facilities.
Hirers should also be familiar with the following policies:
- Equipment Hire Policy and Terms & Conditions
- Key Policy and Terms & Conditions
In order for timely processing of a room hire application, the hirer shall submit their application as early as possible.
Use of church facilities
Sonlife Church is dedicated to the glory of God. Individuals and groups who are sympathetic to these purposes, from both the church and within the community, are welcome to hire the facilities.
All hirers shall ensure:
- Activities carried out are lawful
- Duty of care, and other general health and safety practices are complied with
All hirers are to abide by any other conditions stipulated for the use of the facilities, and not use or access any facilities not part of this application without prior arrangement.
Possession or consumption of alcohol or drugs is not permitted either in the building or on church grounds. (The Senior Pastor and/or Executive Leadership Team may approve the consumption of alcohol in the building or church grounds on special occasion such as weddings.) Smoking is not permitted in the building.
After use, the premises and facilities shall be left in the same state as when it was handed over to the hirer at the start of the hiring term. The facilities, including floors, must be left in a clean, tidy and safe condition all the time during the hiring term. Furniture and equipment are to be returned to their original place. Litter must be collected and put in the waste bins provided—when the waste bins are full, they should be emptied into the large rubbish bins (see emergency procedures diagram attached for location).
Loss or Damage
All breakages, damage or loss must be reported to the church office immediately. The person, group or organisation hiring Sonlife Church facilities may, at the discretion of Sonlife Church, be charged for all or part of the cost of repairing any damage to the building, furniture and fittings and equipment or replacing any lost or damaged items.
Security Bond
Unless agreed in writing, a security bond equivalent to 20% of the hire amount (plus GST) is payable by the hirer as a guarantee of fulfilment of the terms and conditions of the hire; and as security against damage to the building, furniture and fittings, and equipment.
If the security bond is insufficient to cover damage, cleaning or reinstatement of furniture and equipment, the applicant may be charged the difference.
If there are no breaches in the conditions of the hire, and after satisfying any additional costs that may be incurred by Sonlife Church for the hire, the bond will be returned to the hirer within 14 days of the date of the hire.
Amendments or cancellation
If the hirer wishes to cancel, postpone or amend their confirmed booking, they shall give written notice to Sonlife Church at least one week before the event date to avoid being charged.
Should Sonlife Church need to make any amendments to the booking for reasons beyond our control, we reserve the right to offer an alternative choice of facilities.
Sonlife Church may cancel the booking with or without notice if it is determined that the hirer has not complied with the terms and conditions outlined in this document.
Health and Safety
The hirer shall do their own risk assessment prior to undertaking any task such as heavy lifting or any other task that may cause injuries to their personnel.
Hirers will be responsible for the health and safety of their personnel and attendees at their event.
A copy of the Sonlife Church Emergency Evacuation Procedures (attached) will be provided to the hirer as an example only. The hirer shall amend the Sonlife Church emergency Evacuation Procedures as necessary to meet their own requirement. The hirer shall inform all staff and attendees of their Emergency Evacuation Procedures at the beginning of the event of session as appropriate.
On-Site Orientation
An on-sire orientation will be provided to all new hirers who are not familiar with the Sonlife Church facilities. This will be scheduled during the week leading to the hiring date or as negotiated following the approval of the application.
Hire rates for Sonlife facilities
Facility hire rates for events will be levied according to the rates set out below. The minimum booking is for 2 hours, with half hour increments thereafter.
Room |
Max capacity |
Rate |
Included equipment |
Auditorium |
349* seated |
$200/hr + GST |
See ‘AV Equipment’ |
Room 1 |
39* seated |
$60/hr + GST |
TV monitor |
Room 2 |
21* seated |
$60/hr + GST |
TV monitor |
Room 3 |
13* seated |
$60/hr + GST |
TV monitor |
Room 4 |
16* seated |
$60/hr + GST |
TV monitor |
Café |
50* seated |
$100/hr + GST |
TV monitor |
Note: A security bond of 20% + GST may be payable. * Maximum room occupancy shown as approved by the local council. Extra costs will be applicable for cleaning if hiring ends after 7pm.
AV Equipment
Use of audio-visual equipment in Auditorium incurs the following charges:
- $60/hr + GST (per operator)
One operator will be required for each of the following: 1. Audio 2. Projector and 3. Stage Lighting
Discounts may be considered at the discretion of the Sonlife Executive Leadership Team. The applicant should submit a detailed explanation justifying any request for a discount.
Additional facilities
Use of kitchen facilities will be by negotiation. Food preparation will be limited to cutting, heating, plating etc and no cooking will be allowed. An oven, cooktop and microwave will be available for heating food only. A refrigerator with limited space will also be available for food storage during the term of hire. Hirer will need to provide their own plates, cutlery and utensils if needed.
Trestle tables: A limited number of trestle tables will be made available upon request.
The building is generally not available for hire on Fridays and Sundays.
Maximum Capacity
The building has Council approval for a maximum capacity of 349 occupants. There shall be no more than this number inside the building at any stage during the term of the hire.